Monday, May 14, 2012

He's Twenty-Three!


Throughout my life I have been blessed with many good friends, many great and true friends… All across the country they are scattered, and I miss the times I’ve created memories with them… But of all the true friends there is none truer, [on this earth] than my best friend. My husband. He is strong and gentle, kind and trustworthy. He couldn’t miss my faults if he tried, but even then he loves me more than anyone else.
Many years ago as a young teen I noticed this guy named Joey… He was cool, funny and pretty darn cute! Although he was two years older than me, and I was sure every other girl had a massive crush on him… (Not a chance for this freckled face girl). Fast forward 10 years and he comes to my rescue after being slammed to the ground in a football game- resulting in a broken wrist, a trip to the ER and a pretty big surgery for me... I’ll never forget his surprising me with a head of broccoli as a get-well snack, (Broccoli makes your bones stronger you know… or so I hear.)

Two weeks later after a breakfast outing with my dad, (to ask for permission to date me- because he's such a gentleman), Joey & I were walking in the rain talking about life, maybe not the best for a first date, [FRIZZY HAIR ALERT] but it didn’t matter then. Because we both knew this was it.   

15 months later we became one. And every moment, hard or just plain fun has been worth it.

Here’s to a zillion and one more moments with my best friend, and the love of my life.

I love you, babe. Happy 23rd!

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